Setup Merchant Details

Merchant Gateway is the media for conducting transactions with online credit card processing centers. The software tracks gateway usage and provides statistical information on the number of transactions and total charges for every particular gateway.
With this Merchant gateway you can charge for the service you provide.
We support Paypal and 2CO merchant gateway.

And here is the step to setup your Merchant Gateway :
1. At the Reseller Admin page, Click Merchant Details Tab
2. You can choose 2 merchant options (Paypal and 2CO) from the drop down menu.
3. After you choose what payment you want to use, you can enter your paypal email address or 2CO
    username in the Merchant Username.
4. Please make sure you have input the right Merchant Username, and you can click Add to setup your
    Merchant Details.
5. For Paypal Account, Please Set Paypal AutoReturn option to Yes, and Payment Data Transfer to On
    Under Profile-->Website Payment Preferences.
6. For 2Checkout Account, Please enter as
    Approved URL and Pending URL on your Look and Feel settings page.

You can set both of this Merchant gateway (Paypal and 2CO), so your client can choose which payment they want to use.


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