For validation such as Required Field Validator, Compare Validator to work properly, you...
After I configure the custom error setting in the control panel, I still get the generic error page?Custom error setting is a web server setting that sets your website Error Pages, but you can...
Disable Web Config inheritance for Virtual ApplicationIf you have a lot of virtual applications under your webisteYou can Disable the main website's...
How can I send email from ASP.Net if SMTP Authentication is required for your Mail Server?Our SMTP server requires authentication before you can send an email.But If your ASP or ASP.Net...
How did I send email from ?You have to use System.Web.Mail namespace Below is the code snippets : using System.Web.Mail;...
How do I configure my ASP.NET 3.5 Framework?To configure your ASP.NET3.5 Framework, it is pretty easy via our control panel. For Old In...
How do I connect my application to MySQL database?In general, 2 different methods can be used to connect an application to MySQL database....
How do I get my application to display non-English allows the developer to encode the page using character sets other than unicode. If your...
How do I setup custom error for my application? has its own built-in error handling. To set up custom error handling for your
I am using ASP.NET and Internet Explorer Web Controls and it does not work when I open the page. What is wrong?For Internet Explorer Web Controls to work properly you need to have the required HTML...
I couldn't see any Error Message on my ASPX Page? What should I do?This happens because of the web.config custom Error page is set to RemoteOnly or On. If you...
I get a configuration error when I execute my application in a subdirectory. How do I resolve this?This error may occur if the application is being run out of a subfolder and the subfolder is not...
I get a database timeout expired error on my ASP.NET application. What can I do?I get the following error when my ASP.NET application connects to the MS SQL server:...
I get an error "Access denied to 'D:\public_html\xxx\xxx\web.config'. Failed to start monitoring file changes" when I try to open an page. What can I do?This error usually means that the ASPNet user does not have adequate permission to access the...
I get an error 'A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client ' when I hit submit on my ASP.NET Webform. What can I do?This error is caused by a newly introduced feature of .NET Framework 1.1, called "Request...
I receive an error when trying to access an ASP.NET page within a subweb. What do I do?The ASPNet (user as which ASP.NET runs) user permission does not inherit into the subweb....
In one of the applications I want to host, there must be a write privilage to ASPNET account so that it will be able to create folders, so is that possible ?Yes, that is possible. In fact you can set the read and write permission yourself. Our control...
Why can I still access my ASP.NET pages even though I disabled anonymous access to my directory?After disabling anonymous access in the permission manager in the control panel, pages...