Issue Tracker ASP.NET Starter Kit has been officially released by the Microsoft team. The Issue Tracker Starter Kit installation program is designed to install Issue Tracker on your local machine. To install Issue Tracker on servers, you will need to perform some customization.
Below is a step-by-step installation procedure to install the Issue Tracker Starter Kit on our webservers. Please note that the steps below are one way among many methods to install the application and only serves as a guideline.
- Download Issue Tracker SDK from
- Run installation program on your local machine
- Install the application in default location (c:\issuetracker)
- After the installation wizard installs the files on your local computer, the Issue Tracker Starter Kit Setup wizard opens up. Skip this step by closing the window. Then close the installation wizard window.
- Customize the web.config file for deployment on servers.
- Open c:\issuetracker\IssueTrackerStarterKit\web.config
- Replace this line with
- Save web.config file
- Upload c:\issuetracker\IssueTrackerStarterKit directory to your site using FTP
- Create IssueTracker database tables on SQL Server
- Open command prompt and execute these statements using osql:
- Create the database objects on your MSSQL database.
- Open command prompt and execute these statements using osql:
osql -S [SQL ServerName] -U [UserName] -P [password] -i c:\issuetracker\Setup\DBScripts\CreateDatabaseObjects.sql
- Run the initialization stored procedure to create an admin account login of admin/password...
osql -S [SQL ServerName] -U [UserName] -P [password] -Q "IssueTracker_Initialize 'admin','password'"
NOTE: To avoid any conflicts, we would highly recommend using a fresh database for the application install