How do I install IBuySpy Portal on your server?

IBuySpy Portal application is created by the team at Microsoft to demonstrate how you can use ASP.NET along with the Microsoft .NET Framework to build intranet and Internet portal applications

Below is a step by step installation procedure to install IBuySpy portal on our server.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download IBuySpy SDK software ( to your local box
  2. Run installation program
  3. Install in default location (c:\portalVB)
  4. Skip configuration by closing the configuration screen, if you do not intend on using IBuySpy on your local machine.
  5. Customize the web.config file for deployment on server
    1. Open c:\portalvb\portalvb\web.config
    2. Replace this line with
    3. Save web.config file
  6. Upload c:\portalvb\portalvb to your site public_html using FTP
  7. Create Portal Database Table on SQL Server
    1. Open c:\portalVB\portaldb.sql file with notepad
    2. Remove all instruction before “-- drop any existing stuff”, line 1 through 81.
    3. Replace ¡use [Portal]¢ with ¡use [Database Name]¢
    4. Save file as portaldb-new.sql
    5. Open command prompt and execute this statement : osql -S [SQL ServerName] -U [UserName] -P [password] -i c:\portalvb\portaldb-new.sql
  8. Browse your iBuySpy portal site.
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