How to create a domain

In order to create a domain or a subdomain in your DotNetPanel hosting account, you simply need to follow these steps. Once you have created the domain, you will then need to create a "Website" for the respective domain to store the files. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Login to DotNetPanel
  2. Click your Package
  3. Click on "Domains" under the Hosting Space Menu on the left
  4. Click on the "Add Domain" button
  5. Select Domain, Subdoamin, or Domain Pointer
  • If Selecting Domain or Subdomain You will then a box to enter the domain name.
    1. Fill in the domain or subdomain name you wisht to add. Make sure to check the boxes for Create Web Site, Enabled DNS, Create Instant Alias
    2. Click "Add Domain"
    3. This will then add the Domain and setup a Website for it.
  • If selecting Domain Poiinter then you will see a box for the domain
    1. Fill in the box for the domain
    2. Check the box next to Point to existing website and select the site from the drop down box.
    3. Check Enable DNS The click add Doamin. This will set the domain as a pointer to that site.

Your website has now been successfully created! You can now use an FTP account to upload files! 

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