To do a refresh, you can use HTML meta tag such as :[META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='10; URL=example.php']
Change the brackets to the obvious brackets, [ become <
That'll refresh to example.php in ten (10) seconds. It's also worth
mentioning that various predefined variables exist that reflect the
current page, run phpinfo() to see which exist on your system.
A commonly used one is called as $PHP_SELF For example, let's say we
wanted to refresh a page every 10 seconds forever (not suggested :-)
then :
if ($_POST['go'])
$url = $_POST['url'];
echo "content='4; url=$url'>";
if ($_POST['go'])
$url = $_POST['url'];
echo "content='4; url=$url'>";
Change the brackets to the obvious brackets, [ become < for PHP tag