Instructions for requesting SBC Port 25 Filter Removal

1. Visit the following web site:

2. You may be prompted with the question "Which service do you need help with?"
    Choose Dial or DSL by selecting the appropriate radio button.
    Select your email domain from the pull-down menu (e.g.,
    Click Continue.

3. Fill out all of the required fields in the "Your Contact Information" section of the online form. (First Name, Last Name, Member ID, etc.).
    Member ID is the name you created when you activated your DSL/dial-up account.
    Enter your SFSU email address in Alternate Email Address field.

4. Select Opt Out Port 25 from the "Abuse Type" pull-down menu.
    Select Email from the "Abuse Occurred In" pull-down menu.
    Enter Please remove the Port 25 filter for my account in the "Abuse Description" text box.

5. Submit the form by clicking on the Send Abuse Report button. SBC will send an acknowledgement that your request has been received.

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